In the heart of historical Wickford center, this commercial/retail/mixed use property is currently a 2 bedroom apartment (2nd-3rd floors) with two retail shops (1st and 2nd floors), the owner lives here and has operated successfully "The Grateful Heart" for many years.
The single apartment was originally 2 apartments merged, so there is some flexibility in the floor plan. The floors are wonderful, original hardwoods in most of the spaces, the heating system, electrical system and roof have been updated over the last 2-10 years, and a sprinkler system is already installed in the building. There is parking in the rear off of W Main Street and two out-buildings on the property, one is a two car garage and one comes with a story attached to it about it's history.
The building is bright and sunny and you have a view of the pond across the street as well as the cove only steps away! This property would be a great opportunity for many different types of businesses and Main Street offers a myriad of retail shops as well as the charm of historical buildings throughout the area.